Hello polycounters, first thread, and really the first time I've posted my stuff an an art board. Anyway, I wanted to bolster my skills in the gameres and texturing realms, and take on an existing, well-established design for it. So, naturally this leads to a Boba (Empire version, of course)

Here are a few Wips of the progress. It's all been done in zbrush so far, with the exception of the helmet, for which I used a basemesh from blender.

And here he is pretty much done, though I think the cape needs some help(to put it mildly). I kind of want it pose-able for different shots when its all done, though I'm not sure how to go about doing that. I'll also need to do his blaster+sidearm before going on to the lowres.

For retopo I usually use a combo of zbrush retopo and 3dcoat, though I'm considering what zbrush's recent(ish) remesher/topo features might be able to do for me. I'm not worried about making it super low-poly, really want quality as much as I can get it. Its going to be an adventure

EDIT: Maybe hands could be scaled up a little? Cloth work looks nice!