Hey y'all!
This is my second time going through the full game workflow, and this time I decided to try a MOD! Very intimidating.
I am super new at all this, so feedback is welcome. Guitar should probably be a little smaller and the normal map is being finicky. But I'm hoping this could help pad out the portfolio a bit, so have at it!
Here are the results!
^^ Can't figure out how to embed but watch the video first!!! ^^
High Poly

Textured Low Poly

In game


Check it out! I was able to fix the normal map (had to turn off Vertex Colors in Nifskope and invert the green channel), and resized it so it fit and looked proper.
I don't think it's half bad for a first time modder! :-D
Slightly off topic: did you follow a tutorial for getting it in-game? I've been creating a few assets that I'm looking to get into a mod package for Skyrim, but all the tutorials I've followed online have been very confusing.
Thanks for the feedback Heather! Perhaps I'll make a revision soon...Sometimes it looks almost like it's glowing, so it makes sense that the spec map could the issue. And yeah, will definitely spruce up my presentation from now on, haha
In regards to tutorials, I sort of switched between these two:
The first one is a 4 parter that moves pretty quickly through the whole process but doesn't explain much. I found the 2nd video to be too little info on it's own, but helped fill in some blanks.
I basically had to experiment a lot to get things working correctly, and if you have any questions I'd be glad to try and help! :-)