Would anyone know how to match the camera settings for Maya and UDK, so when working from one to the other, perspective distortion will stay consistent? I was thinking if I knew the camera values for the default udk camera, I could plug them into the maya camera. Is this possible?
Maya camera has inputs for angle of view, focal length, and camera aperture and I'm guessing I would have to change one or all of these values to match UDK's. Thanks for any help or insight on this matter.
In the editor, UDKEngine.ini carries [UnrealEd.EditorEngine] - FOVAngle=90.000000
However that has been in there for many many years and may not work anymore. If that doesn't do it, numpad 1 and 3 do this as well but it will just reset when you let go.
I just wish there was a way to change one of the viewport panels in UDK to a different camera instead of the default Persp/Front/Top/Side.
I've been doing just what you have Harbinger
with creating something from reference and my perspective was completely different from maya to udk but I just recreated it. What you said about being able to have two different perspectives, I found a way for you to do that. You create another camera and then you click the eye icon at the top, just under the green glowing black K icon. This lets you see through the object and so I've just been using that. However, as I'm still new to udk, I havent been able to lock down my camera, so I just never touch it once its been placed correctly.
I hope this helps
example of what i'm looking for in Modo: http://community.thefoundry.co.uk/tv/training/view.aspx?id=152
I wonder if there's a conversion trick that we don't know about. Of course, as others have said, adjust the FOV in Unreal to match.
But...How do we know what FOV is correct? Eyeballing seems to be about as close to it as you can get. In Maya, once you select your camera, the default FOV is actually called "Focal Length" and it starts at 35. Going higher gives you a tighter, telephoto look, while going lower gives you a fisheye or wide-angled lens look. In UDK, these numbers are reversed, where 90 FOV is default (I think) and going lower makes the shot appear tighter.
I guess I'm curious what Maya's default 35 Focal Length translates to in Unreal's FOV?
Well, in Max, a camera with an FOV of 90 has a focal length of 18mm, and a focal length of 35mm has an FOV of 54.432