Hey Polycount!
So this is my first official thread! I've been a lurker for a very long while, but I wanted to actually get out there and participate. With this goal in mind, I pushed myself to finish a project that's been lingering around for almost a year... :poly122: I haven't been actively working on it that long, mind you! I've started and stopped on it as other work got in the way. Feels good to call it done though!

So this is Granny's Potion Shop from Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3DS. OoT was my favorite game of all time growing up, and the remake is absolutely gorgeous! The first time I walked into Granny's shop, I knew I had to make it!

Also, I made a video of it, so you can see all the particle effects in action! (The Poe faces animate. I was giggling like a maniac when I successfully got those to work!)
Everything was modeled in Maya, and the scene itself was put together in UDK. It was quite the learning experience as far as UDK goes, actually. I got into a few things that I hadn't done very much (slightly more advanced particle effects and multiple camera cinematics!) and it ended up being a ton of fun!
With all of the stuff I learned along the way with this, there's a ton I'd like to revise and improve upon, but I realized with as long as this piece has been going, I really just needed to find a decent stopping point and call it done (because I almost convinced myself to tear it all down and start again from scratch yesterday!). I'm okay with this, because I know the next scene is going to be even better for it. Time to move on to new grounds.

Also, I forgot to include an extra view! This is to the left of the door when Link walks in!