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Learning 3d modeling question

polycounter lvl 7
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Duninn polycounter lvl 7
So I figured I would use youtube for the free tutorials, but I have a question or two. I am debating using blender to learn 3d modeling to (hopefully) publish to TF2 and Dota 2, but I am not sure if that is a decent program for it. I was also contemplating 3d-coat $99 version on steam, but I need to know it is worth the cost.

Basically, should I use 3d-coat or blender to learn 3d modeling and for publishing? Keep in mind I am completely new to this, trying to self teach.

O and if you know of a good tutorial series, I would greatly appreciate the help.


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Autodesk offers free software for educational uses, you can download 3ds Max or Maya directly from them after signing up with an email address http://students.autodesk.com/?nd=download_center

    3ds Max and Maya are the most popular 3d apps in the games industry, so you would be able to find more tutorials, plug-ins, and resources for those applications. Blender is fine if you need to do commerical work but cannot afford a 3d license, but if you just want to learn, I'd suggest Max or Maya. 3d-coat has some awesome tools, but I wouldn't consider it a complete application like blender, max or maya, and I'd wait to invest money in software until you've learned the basics.
  • Duninn
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    Duninn polycounter lvl 7
    So basically get the educational version of Maya and learn off of it using tutorials for now, ignore 3d-coat, and when I am ready yo try and publish use blender since I am poor lol?

    Downloading the latest version of Maya now off of Autodesk.
  • DireWolf
    The more familiar you are with a software, the faster you'll be able to do things in it. So if you plan to eventually publish via blender, then jump right in and use it right away :)

    Modeling skills and knowledge are universal. Once you have it you'll be able to apply it in any software. Just keep in mind that when you switch software there will always be some learning curve for the software themselves.
  • Duninn
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    Duninn polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the advice, I am a complete noob on this but I really want to either be a 3d model for games or a programmer, or know a bit of both (which can't hurt). I mean my B.S. in sociology got me no where......so might as well pursue a goal.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    The only reason I suggested learning Max/Maya over blender is because there is a lot more, and a lot better tutorials focused on creating assests for game art, and there's also things like the Dota viewport shader http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=110022 and tex tools http://www.renderhjs.net/textools/ and http://vertexbee.com/rttassist.htm

    and if you later want to get a job in the industry, you'll more likely to be using Max or Maya.

    3D motive has some good free tutorials and videos https://www.3dmotive.com/freebies
  • Duninn
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    Duninn polycounter lvl 7
    Keep in mind I am a total blank slate, so honestly I do not know what the viewport shader does or the tex tools. But I appreciate the help.
  • xrg
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    xrg polycounter lvl 10
    If you go with Blender I'd start by going through the Basics on Blender Cookie. Just a quick glance at YouTube there seems to be tutorials for both TF2 and DOTA stuff in relation to Blender, but their quality may vary.
  • sargentcrunch
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    They use to require a .edu email address to create an account, but I believe any email works now. The only restriction is the software is for non commerical use only.
  • Velktri
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    Velktri polycounter lvl 6
    It doesn't matter which app you learn in the beginning. All the fundamentals will transfer over seamlessly if you decide to move to another app. I started in blender, moved to max, moved to maya, then back to blender for building DOTA items.
  • CharlieD
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    CharlieD polycounter lvl 11
    I'd just go with 3DS Max and/or Maya. Most job listings for studios you see will want you to know how to use Max or Maya. I use both. Max at home, Maya professionally. I personally like max more, because I feel it's more powerful and less buggy(may be different for others). Good luck though in your endeavors.
  • HAWK12HT
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    HAWK12HT polycounter lvl 13
    Hi , I would recommend going for 3Ds Max. Reason brand new beginner tutorial series going on right now on 3D Total for it (free), The main reason is that you can also work for arch viz companies in longer run since things are going downward in games industry the way i see it. Plus who knows may be in future a giant merger will take place and we ll have one 3D max super tool 3D MAX ULTRA KILL or something lol.
  • Duninn
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    Duninn polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for all the reply guys, I think I will work with blender to start, then gradually move to maya or 3Ds Max as I progress. And I will be looking closely at the blender cookies site for the tutorials.
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