I have been wanting to up my game in the Sub D world for some time now, and decided I would try my hand at a weapon with a few complex pieces. I'm starting simple as far as weapons go, just a Remington 870 Tactical Shotgun, my biggest challenge was the muzzle brake, the hand pump, and the rail. I was thinking of adding some attachments after I finish it for more SubD practice or move onto a more complex weapon.
I was just posting on here to get some feed back on my hp work, I'm getting some waviness in my muzzle brake which I cannot figure out how to avoid, any comments or critiques would be great, and some pointers on my optimized low poly would be sweet as well. I'm at 4100, but my hand pump is totally flush with no ridges, would bumping that up another 2k be an appropriate thing to fit the ridges in the low poly or is it not worth it?
I'm going to do some bake tests and will post the results, I'll be happy to go back and check out any suggestions you all have with the high or low poly. Thanks a lot!

I wouldn't model the ridges in the pump either. The players hand will be on that.
High poly looks good, but the muzzle break is very lumpy. What does the un smoothed high poly look like for that?
BTW, mind posting some pics of the editable poly wireframe before connecting the vertices? I am having problems figuring out how to model the ejection port on my 870 Receiver.