I´m currently working on an organic Hi-poly-Model and I´m having a lot of trouble due to the crawling viewport performance while in subobject mode. The framerate is pretty decent in the viewport...until I enter subobject mode and start modeling, when it crawls down to about 1 fps...
Is there any way to improve viewport performance without splitting up the model in smaller chunks and then reattaching and welding after I´m done?
Or for that matter: whats your experience - up to how many polys can you model decently? 5.000? 10.000? That way I´d at least know into how many pieces i´d have to split up my model...
Configure viewport driver:
Main Menu > Customize > Preferences > Viewports tab > Choose driver.
Configure viewport settings:
Main Menu > Views > viewport configuration > Light and Shadows
Other then that however, Disable/Enable Nitrous and make sure you set the options to the lowest values in the Viewport settings as Mark mentioned.
EDIT: Oh, also, make sure you have all fancy options under your VGA card disabled. Stuff like AA Wireframes don't do any favors during subobject mode.
I use 2012 and have almost no issues in the viewport but I did try 2014 out and I saw an immediate viewport performance boost with the same scene. Using nitrous specifically. :thumbup: