Hello all.
I've been working on a bathroom environment inspired from a scene in Max Payne 3, and would like some feedback based on scale and such before I begin texturing. I'm not worried about lighting just yet, so please don't comment regarding lighting.
Thanks in advance



Thanks in advance!
Keep it up
I'm going to implement the suggestions and see how they fit, then follow-up with an update.
Let me know what you think.
Was hoping people could let me know if the image is to dark to see on their monitors, and/or get additional feedback on the overall piece.
I like this so far, be sure to nail the grime/gunk and color variation on the floor.
I increased the lighting by 0.2 to make it a bit brighter and brightened my environment colour a bit, to a dark-to-mid grey, but I don't want it to be too bright as I'm trying to replicate the reference image.
Thoughts on my situation?
This one is closer to the concept lighting than the one you just posted(Probably just need to increase the light falloff so that its not blasting the room as much). If you find the middle ground you will probably nail it. Mostly though.. Focus on the grime and detail at this point. Get it in a workable state lighting-wise and put all of the funk in it. Also it would be sweet if you could get rid of that hard edge on the wall next to the tub. Just my 2 cents. Keep it up!
In terms of grime and grunge, all the assets have some sort of grime in either the diffuse or spec, so I'm not sure how much more I can add without over doing it. suggestions?