Pretty straight forward question. Is image-based lighting (Marmoset-style) possible for outdoors lighting in UDK?
Couldn't find any info on it out there. But I did see some stuff about image-based reflections. Not sure if they can be used to accomplish the same thing.
[ame=""]How to use DX11 Image-based Reflections in UDK - YouTube[/ame]
In world settings in dx11 there are a few lines dedicated to IBL, you might wanna have a look at this page:
So basically I would make a base material that uses image reflections, and then derive all other materials I use from that one.
IBL works a bit differently, and yes a multi-cube map solution would likely be best at this point.
All the information I've found has there being a cube-map for diffuse lighting, and a separate one for specular. They are usually created offline.
I have a controllable cube map blurring material nearly complete that may be usable for such a purpose with in engine generated cubes even if its not physically accurate.