Hello all,
I'm getting close to finishing up this Factory interior environment based off this concept art.

Below are a couple renders from the scene as is. It was built in UDK and modeled in Max.

Critiques or suggestions on how to improve it would be awesome.
It looks like you're blending wall textures with a clouds filter, I'd try and clamp those values to imitate paint peeling off, or use the height map of the bricks, either way it looks a little too soft.
Keep at it you have got a solid base.
Thanks for the input. I think that was my main issue with the environment. I agree about the lighting in the concept, but I think I was trying to stay too true to the art. I'll try adding the things you mentioned and see where it takes me. The shader for the wall was created so that I can paint on the chipped paint, dirt and concrete using vertex painting. Here is the Shader network and an image demonstrating what the shader can do.
The paint fade on the walls is a bit overdone for my taste, but that can go either way for other people.
Thanks for the input. I like the idea of adding some tools and cables to the shelves to try and populate the scene a little more.
The railings do have a transparent glass material in them. I'm currently working on more props to fill the space. I'll have to throw a pallet in there now
Good idea. I hadn't thought of that actually! :thumbup: