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Sci-Fi Alien...Plant...um...Racer Guy

polycounter lvl 4
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nozone polycounter lvl 4
UPDATE 7/10/2013
Polypainting progress...


LATEST UPDATE: Low-poly & bakes done, on to texturing!!


Greetings, Polycount! I've finally worked up the courage to start posting here in hopes of improving my skills and connecting with fellow travelers in this Wacky World of Game Art!!

Been in school for a while, and now it's time to start using what I've learned to build out my portfolio. First up, this guy:


...a rider in a sort of nebulously-imagined sci-fi racing game in my head. His vehicle/mount (which I'll ultimately model as well) is a rhino-sized ATV-type thing, with a similar plant-insect-machine hybrid look. And a big-ass jet engine on the back. :poly121:

Anyway, here's a close-up of his head, which I started painting before I'd decided to do the whole character...


...and a big-honkin' GIF (sorry) of how I imagine the basic color-breaks to go...


This is all seriously WIP, so any advice/critique/GoodGodWhatAreYouDoingSTOP would be highly appreciated, before I move on to final details/painting/lowpoly/etc.

If you've gotten this far, thanks for your time! I look forward to participating in the community here.


  • Pioldes
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    Pioldes polycounter lvl 5
    Really cool silhouette so far :) Neat details too.

    If I could offer some advice, maybe I'd go into making his face more alien-like. Right now, it looks more like a green human than something out of this world and I think it's a missed opportunity.

    Keep it up! It's looking good!
  • nozone
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    nozone polycounter lvl 4
    D'OH! The face! How could I forget??

    My initial thought had been that due some sort of David Bryn/Uplift-esque scenario, this species is quite grateful to humanity for the gift of sentience (and for teaching them the thrills of GOING FAST), and so, during a period of self-directed evolution, chose to adopt a form that would help them relate to us in a friendly way.


    I get what you're saying, tho, Pioldes, about missed opportunities for extra weirdness, so I'll take a stab at some alternate faces.

    Thanks for having a look!
  • Dubzski
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    Dubzski polycounter lvl 11
    Fun character design with a unique backstory!

    I'm not a character modeler so can't really give any critique, but I really like those goggles & the face upgrade looks good ^_^.
  • nozone
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    nozone polycounter lvl 4
    OK, sculpting's done, on to low-poly! As always, C & C would be lovely

  • sybrix
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    sybrix polycounter lvl 13
    I... love this character. I'm not sure why, but it has this delightfully bizarre charm. I sort of like the friendly humanized face. No critique yet, I just want to see him finished.
  • ZASkaggs
    I love it, lots of creativity. The sculpt looks solid and (as has already been mentioned I know) the silhouette is also very strong.
  • nozone
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    nozone polycounter lvl 4
    Dubzski, sybrix, and ZA Skaggs: Thanks so much, guys! Your kind words are truly encouraging :)

    I'm hoping to have the low done by tomorrow night, but we'll see. I'd been aiming to have the final textured low-poly model done by next Saturday, but I've got mad shit to do this week, and I'm feeling a little behind schedule already. Fingers crossed...
  • garriola83
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    garriola83 greentooth
    VERY COOL! I like its bizarre look and unconventional structure, but it works. Keep it up man!
  • Wingednosering
    sybrix wrote: »
    I... love this character. I'm not sure why, but it has this delightfully bizarre charm. I sort of like the friendly humanized face. No critique yet, I just want to see him finished.

    Pretty much what he said. Love it. Fantastic work and a truly unique silhouette.
  • nozone
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    nozone polycounter lvl 4
    OK, well, decided on an impromptu trip to Sequoia Nat'l Forest & Yosemite over the father's day weekend, and thus totally abandoned my self-imposed deadline for this piece. Ah well. Onward, anyway...

    Still slogging thru the low-poly on this (any tips/tricks on doing this part quickly would be MUCH appreciated!), and I'm finding that the low-poly...isn't all that low :/


    Closing in on 9000 tris and haven't gotten to the head yet!

    To alleviate the tedium a bit, I've also started playing around with z-sphere shapes for the basic layout of the vehicle...


    Settled on #2 I think, but it will definitely go thru big changes as I get sculpting


    So, that's where it's all at now. Should be able to move this guy along faster now, and as always, I'd love to hear what you good folks think!
  • Meteora
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    Meteora polycounter lvl 8
    My word, I just absolutely love your character. I usually shun humanoids that deviate too far from a human silhouette, but I just love what I'm seeing, I really want to see how it turns out in the end.
  • AbKI
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    AbKI polycounter lvl 6
    This has so much personality, awesome stuff. :D
  • nozone
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    nozone polycounter lvl 4

    Low-poly took FOREVER on this bastard, and I finished it THE DAY before Pixologic released their ZRemesher update (d'oh!)

    Spent a couple more days trimming, then UV'ing, then fixing after crappy test-bakes, etc., and at last I'm ready to texture this guy!


    I KNOW there's more polygons I can trim -- he's sitting at 15,446 tris; my original goal had been under 10k -- but I'm itching to move on with him. I'll post some wireframes later today, and maybe you good folks can offer some advice on trimming further.

    For now, tho, a bit of rest before the final stretch of climbing on this guy...

  • nozone
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    nozone polycounter lvl 4
    New and improved! Now with WIRES!!


    And...and Sketchfabby-goodness!!!

  • nozone
    Offline / Send Message
    nozone polycounter lvl 4
    I've gotten some polypainting done, still got miles to go, feels like.

  • nozone
    Offline / Send Message
    nozone polycounter lvl 4
    That's just about it for painting, unless anyone's got any suggestions. Next step, baking it off, then setting up final materials. Woohoo!

    As always, C & C most welcome...

  • nozone
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    nozone polycounter lvl 4
    Alrighty, so here we are in Marmoset.

    15446 tris, 2048 diffuse & normal maps. I've still got to do a spec/gloss map; right now it's just Marmoset's blanket-approach to shiny.

  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid polycounter lvl 10
    Hey man this is coming out great, Not sure that i am a fan of the super high chroma colours though. I think you would have a ton of trouble placing him in an environment without it looking strange.
  • garriola83
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    garriola83 greentooth
    loving it but work on the materials and this will be ace!
  • nozone
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    nozone polycounter lvl 4
    Thanks for having a look, guys!

    Yeah, textures & materials are definitely what I'm working on now, that's for sure. As I mentioned, I haven't gotten a spec map on him yet, so in a way I've barely begun on that front.

    re: color: I agree that right now it's...a bit much LOL

    I'll definitely be toning it down a good bit, tho my plan was always to have a fairly vivid/cartoony feel to him in the end.

    Now that the work's shifted mostly to photoshop, I've got much better painting tools to work with than what zBrush offers. At leasst tools *I'm* more comfortable with...
  • nozone
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    nozone polycounter lvl 4
    Hey, Muzz, quick question: if you click on the Sketchfab link earlier in this thread (and wait for the textures to load lol), do the colors still look too saturated?

    It's much closer to the look I'm ultimately after than what we see in the Marmoset shot. Weird thing is, I've made no change to the texture at all between the two shots!
  • Christian Nordgren
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    Christian Nordgren polycounter lvl 11
    This is amazing, those normals you put into the racer-alien-char looks REALLY good!

    I will follow this! =D
  • oxblood
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    oxblood polycounter lvl 9
  • rusty_hawk
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    rusty_hawk polycounter lvl 13
    nice job, I don't like the eyes...but overall it looks awesome
  • nozone
    Offline / Send Message
    nozone polycounter lvl 4
    Got some spec & emissive on 'im, and worked on the diffuse a bit

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