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Dragon Knight concept....stuff

polycounter lvl 3
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juraiknight polycounter lvl 3
Ok, so I'm wanting to get some new DK stuff up in the work shop. My initial idea was to have armor that was fused with dragon parts, since the guy was killed and kinda reborn as a dragon...guy. I since altered my route and am now going for pieces of hard dragon scales/skin attached to the armor as reinforcement for the armor underneath. Now mind you, I am no concept artist at all, and it's still very rough. What I have on the right in black was the starting silhouettes that I made, the one on the left is the more thought out detailed approach, which I'm planning to keep/work off of. Any and all critiques are welcome.



  • juraiknight
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    juraiknight polycounter lvl 3
    Quick color over so the shapes are more obvious than just line art.

  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Looks really cool but a lot of these details are probably gonna be lost at the ingame resolution.
  • juraiknight
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    juraiknight polycounter lvl 3
    Yeah, I'm not used to working or designing on that scale. So bigger details?
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Yeah, big, readable shapes. And don't worry, I've known this for about a year now and still regularly fuck it up T.T
  • Hudston
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    Hudston polycounter lvl 10
    Spudnik wrote: »
    Yeah, big, readable shapes. And don't worry, I've known this for about a year now and still regularly fuck it up T.T

    Yeah, the instinct to add lots of cool little details is really hard to shake off.
  • juraiknight
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    juraiknight polycounter lvl 3
    Yeah, I'm glad I'm not the only one with that problem...lol
  • Adam Chilton
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    Adam Chilton polycounter lvl 4
    Try shrinking the template image to thumbnail size, and do 10 or so mini versions. This will keep you focused on creating the key 'primary' forms.

    Most professional artists do thumbnails of their work so as to get the key design problems ironed out quickly before they go into any sort of detailed work. In other words, know what you're going to draw, before you draw it.

    Hope that helps.
  • juraiknight
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    juraiknight polycounter lvl 3
    Try shrinking the template image to thumbnail size, and do 10 or so mini versions. This will keep you focused on creating the key 'primary' forms.

    Most professional artists do thumbnails of their work so as to get the key design problems ironed out quickly before they go into any sort of detailed work. In other words, know what you're going to draw, before you draw it.

    Hope that helps.

    Yeah it does, I guess I have it backwards. I always seem to start at micro detail before larger shape. Always struggled with that..I hate it lol
  • 7thBattery
    You should also be aware that Dragon Knight doesn't have a leg or boot slot. It's a shame, because he could really use one.
  • JayTheRay
    the red side shoulders looks nice
    Does the shoulder slot share the chest pieces?
    I find it hard to use triangles efficiently for it.
    im working on shoulders without chestpiece and and th tri count is already 600 or am i doing it wrong.
  • juraiknight
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    juraiknight polycounter lvl 3
    7thBattery wrote: »
    You should also be aware that Dragon Knight doesn't have a leg or boot slot. It's a shame, because he could really use one.

    Yeah, I kinda went crazy on the armor, then realized that there really isn't a leg slot of any kind...which, like you said, is a shame because he does need it. Honestly I think the original art work for Dragon Knight is a little lack luster, so things like legs and stuff could really put together a really cool looking set of armor. I like to keep the legs in there just to mend my broken heart. </3

    JayTheRay wrote: »
    the red side shoulders looks nice
    Does the shoulder slot share the chest pieces?
    I find it hard to use triangles efficiently for it.
    im working on shoulders without chestpiece and and th tri count is already 600 or am i doing it wrong.

    Yeah, the shoulders and chest piece I believe are one piece. This is something I constantly have to remind myself because, lets be honest, shoulders AND a full chest piece could be tricky to fit under such a small poly umbrella..And thanks for the compliment! Those are definitely welcome! lol
  • juraiknight
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    juraiknight polycounter lvl 3
    Maybe it's just me, but I find it rather difficult to really pump out something for dragon knight since his body shape is set already with that god awful looking iron lung around his body, makes him round and some what fat...
  • umresh
    cool armor for a dragon night but detail of armor may lose in game res
  • juraiknight
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    juraiknight polycounter lvl 3
    So I've reworked my concept in a new direction, thanks to some guidance from a friend of mine. I was told to create a style and scatter it throughout the armor set to make it feel like it belongs to each other. I threw some shapes in, and I've decided overlapping shapes and lots of curves with forms on top of one another (scale effect) was a good way to go since my helmet came out that way. Still wrestling with pauldrons though. After a few sketches, this is the one I kinda chose over the rest of them since it was more on the simple side. I'm slightly worried that if I go too overboard with the curves that it will deviate from the form of DK too much. What do you guys think?

  • juraiknight
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    juraiknight polycounter lvl 3
    these were the other 3 that came as runner ups.



  • Noth
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    Noth polycounter lvl 15
    op! Dragon knight showdown. I'm thinking about making the rest of the set for my helm I just finished. I like the second to last one.

    Yeah, big shapes defined by different colours and your good to go. :)
  • juraiknight
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    juraiknight polycounter lvl 3
    Noth wrote: »
    op! Dragon knight showdown. I'm thinking about making the rest of the set for my helm I just finished. I like the second to last one.

    Yeah, big shapes defined by different colours and your good to go. :)

    Oh man, FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! Yeah, that second to last one caught my eye for a while, still unsure though.
  • juraiknight
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    juraiknight polycounter lvl 3
    So here's some more progress on my Dragonite armor set. I believe I've settled on a design style and had help from a friend of mine iron out the wrinkles on the helmet on top of giving me a solid direction on the shoulders.




  • CrucifiX
    IDK, but I think that those shoulder thingys look a bit bulky.
    And, it would be kinda cool if, in the textures, you added some kind of scale pattern or something. Have a shield/sword yet?
  • juraiknight
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    juraiknight polycounter lvl 3
    CrucifiX wrote: »
    IDK, but I think that those shoulder thingys look a bit bulky.
    And, it would be kinda cool if, in the textures, you added some kind of scale pattern or something. Have a shield/sword yet?

    Unfortunately no sword and shield yet. I don't really have a lot of time to devote to it so the progress is rather slow. Yeah, he is a bit bulky but since the games resolution is so small, I figured bigger was better lol.
  • juraiknight
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    juraiknight polycounter lvl 3
    So here's some new progress on my DK stuff. Slowly but surely





    I'm kind of torn between the two concepts I have. Any input or advice is greatly appreciated. Mind you that this is just the rough shape of it. Any mid and micro detail will most likely be put into the sculpting and textures.
  • juraiknight
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    juraiknight polycounter lvl 3
    Those are shield's, by the way..in case anyone gets confused lol
  • juraiknight
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    juraiknight polycounter lvl 3

    Some more (and delayed) progress. Not sure if I really like how my lines and edges are turning out. Any suggestions to make it better?
  • juraiknight
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    juraiknight polycounter lvl 3


    Also, here's the sword!
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