This is driving me mad. Just as the title states. I've been using this same workflow for ages now without any issues or hold ups, but for some reason out of the blue it decides to mess up on me.
I get this..
From this..
And here's a quick render
I've tried resetting the xform, i've tried baking out in 3ds max as well as xNormal. I've tried with different smoothing group options. I've tried just pure flatten mapping the object. Haven't been able to make any difference
Please polycount this is driving me nuts!
What fixes it for me in the end is a mixture of doing a x-form reset, merging it into a new scene AND what seems to actually do the trick is scale the model up or down. I'm by no means a technical guy on such topics but it seemed to be a matter of having the model to big or small in 3dsmax. Go really crazy on the scaling and see if it makes a difference. I can't promise of course, but for me it worked. Fingers crossed it does for you, too