This is going to be my first udk scene, a fairly linear hallway, i know its over done but whatever I'm not trying to re-invent the wheel here. I am almost done the high poly, and just wanted to check it in to see if there's anything drastic that should be changed before I finish the modelling.
This took a crapload more time than it should have since I didn't really start with a concrete concept and pretty much jumped in and started modelling. The whole thing's probably been modelled like 3 times over by now - I've learned the hard way to always have a concept to begin with (unless you're a concept artist as well, which I'm not.
Long Shot:

Some unique assets:


Quick and sloppy light blockout

The square 'X' panels to the left and right of the door are a little off putting. Not bad, just not seeing a huge consistency compared to the whole scene. It's got a more old school look and the rest is more modern. And the door itself looks over chamfered in parts and too symmetrical. Your eye is naturally drawn to the door based on your camera composition. The door should be the most emotional or enticing part of the scene.
But really nice work, will keep an eye on it:P
after poping random material, some logos and new light gona be epic corridor
Yeeeaa that entire wall that houses the door, as well as the door itself, is sort of an artifact from an older iteration of the scene, when I was going with more of a rough industrial/military installation type look (lots of exposed cross-beams/scaffolding/etc) . As the scene took on a more concrete conceptual direction, the rest became more modernized and took on a more techy look while that wall/door remained the same.
I was hoping to get away with retaining that entire section, but you are right in that it looks pretty incongruous, might need to end up doing something about it.
As far as the door goes, any 'quick fixes' I can implement to make it look better or should I just re-do the whole thing?
Personally, I always remodel stuff I don't like that has any hint of being difficult to alter. Especially high poly stuff. I sometimes start reshaping, altering an asset and realize I've spend 5 hours on something that took less to initially model. So if it was my door, I'd start again. You learn more, get faster and always produce a better or at least alternative asset.
For the symmetry, just make a few subtle changes like a handle, lights, non-vertical front jambs, different high poly detail. And its scit-fi so maybe some things that make little sense but look cool:P
The model below to me is interesting and could be less stylized easily.
For composition, I'd probably go with a lighting technique, use contrast and it's already strong via your camera angle. A mix of techniques will help sell it.
hope some of the crits you find useful
nice work keep smashing it