Hello Polycounters!
My name is Karol Miklas, I am a 3D artist from Poland, currently unemployed, working as a freelancer.
I recently created a brand new portfolio website, with a focus on vehicles.
Some pictures of my latest works, more on the website:

Also, I included SketchFab interactive model for every car, just like for this one:
Comments and critique are very welcome!
It seems that there's some slightly jagged geo on the second 2 vehicles' tyres. Only crits I can give..
Well done dude
edit - nice portfolio, i see that those 2 were intended for mobile? If so. Ignore my crit :P
All the best.
I just had a very strict limit with those cars: 6k for muscle car and 2.5k for the SUV. They will be used in a mobile game, which is currently in a development.
I edited my post after checking your portfolio
only crit i might have is some extra loops you might have in your geo, but since its personal work, i dont think poly limitation should be a problem.
For me, taxi is still the best one ;D
Website is good, presentation is top tier, nothing to crit there
Now you just need to keep up the work in the same quality and add more
Well, erm... it seems I got a lot to learn yet.
And thanks for comments!
Try doing a car with higher polycount (around 50k w/o interior) which has all the detail of a real car, and then take a image based render method with HDRIs to light it so you can play in that league of car games aswell. If you can do those, then you can do that aswell for sure.
BTW, doesn't Marmoset provide such lighting?
This is showing the difference in style between those shader renders and classical IBL pretty well as example http://mcmercslr.deviantart.com/art/Ferrari-F70-update-324816048
You need a way glossier material to get those sharp reflections. Your current ones are really diffuse. Fresnel is helping aswell. I cant find a single car render from marmoset, and I dont think its the appropriate to shoot such a image. For the current cars you have its a good choice however and underlines the style. If you dont have any experience in rendering and light setups, then maybe its better to stick with marmoset and just try it with a higher poly mesh and play with materials to get something + - realistic.
Although I never aimed for typical racing games, rather for something less... clean, rather grungy, beaten, or just everyday use, maybe even funky, for example games like GTA, Carmageddon, FlatOut, Rage or just FPS games - it should give you a point what kind of style I'd like to achieve.
Still in some cases it means realistic, but not as clean as usual racing games.