Hi Polycount-Community 
I have finally created an active account after hiding in the shadows and admiring all your awesome and inspiring work from afar.
At the moment I am a student in Germany and on my way to become an environment artist. This is going to be my first proper and satisfying 3D environment portfolio piece.
It isn't much yet, but I figuered it is best to start posting from the early stages on, in order to receive some helpful critique and pieces of advice.
First I am going to show you my two
main inspirations, which are the new
Tomb Raider and
Uncharted 2. Here are some screens I took ->

After collecting a lot of reference material I toying around with different ideas I ended up with this blockout in 3ds max ->

I then took this blockout and put it into CryEngine to get a feel for the scope and scale of the scene.
As I said at the beginning, I just started working on the scene and don't have a lot to show yet. Here are some screens ->

Yes, just a blockout with ugly placeholder textures^^ But I will work my hardest to make this a great portfolio scene and I will constantly post my progress to make this thread some sort of development diary

I hope you guys can critize and counsel me on my way

Thanks in advance!
I intend to use a lot of tileable textures and trims to set aside working on unique assets and props for later. So I did some ornament trims today for a wide range of uses, hope you like them (still wip though) ->

Here is a little update.
I spend some more time detailing the blockout.
I used the forest level and some props and textures that come with CryEngine as a guideline and modified the terrain etc. to lay down the design and feel for my scene.
Your blockout is now way better than in your first post
The blockout is kinda noisy right now so to make the blockout clearer, it would be good to use placeholder textures with the right scaling (for example the floor tiling is too large) and which are very similar to your final textures that you wanna have.
Furthermore you will get a better feel of the scene with placing props and hiding ugly seams (e.g. wall -> floor)
Okay thats it for now, so get on with it