Hi guys,
I'm fresh out of Uni, and applied to so many places its unbelievable for roles in 3D; I didn't care if it was games, graphic design, or film as once i got my foot in the door and had some experience; I could develop my skill-set and get paid.
I've just been offered a role as a 3D artist, with a months paid trial. Is this standard? I didnt know how it usually went, but was told i'd be given a full time position if my skills were adequate!
just wanted a few heads up if there was to be any
Fingers crossed it happens to me :D:D:D:D
Cant wait, its just such a opportunity tbh
cool kick some ass and get some good experience under the belt!
Like did you just applied randomly as a general applicant? or was there an opening for the position?
Did you email a recruiter? through the website?
Thanks David. can't wait for story time