Hey Polycounters,
working on a portfolio piece.
It's an assault/anti-riot Mech, from an PMC or Security Company, like Belltower from the last Deus Ex, not sure about this now.
I'm thinking about this because I'm toying with the idea of creating some Troops/Vehicles (Helicopters, Troop Transporter, etc.) for my Portfolio.

I really like the design and silhouette of the mech.
You already put a lot of effort into the details, but I'd go even further and add very tiny ones too, for example screws, bolts or some sort of air grilles.
As Ciril said before, the tubes look great. Add a few more here and there in varied shapes and sizes.
Really great work so far, cannot wait to see more
@Bao92: Thx Dude
@Ciril: Thx Ciril, cool idea. Have to look if some tubes fit in the knee joints, only place that looks appropriate for that.
I really like the design and silhouette of the mech.
You already put a lot of effort into the details, but I'd go even further and add very tiny ones too, for example screws, bolts or some sort of air grilles.
As Ciril said before, the tubes look great. Add a few more here and there in varied shapes and sizes.
Really great work so far, cannot wait to see more
Added some hose in the knee joint, had to change something on the mesh so they wouldn't get squashed when the Mech is moving.
Also working on the LP/UVW's , nothing to show so far.
I think I shorten them a bit and put them more against the body, so that they are not that exposed.
For the Material I thought of something like Kevlar, Carbon fiber or Titanium, so that they are not that easy to damage.
Finished the LP (43k tris), UV ( 2 Texture Sheets) and baking
Took me a little longer than planned but now I can start texturing
LP with Normal in UDK:
C&C is always welcome
Working on the textures, but now I'm at this point where I don't know how to push my textures further.
I'm using Diff, Spec,Normal and Cube map, for the gloss I multiply the Spec with a high Constant.
Any C&C would be great, thanks!
For example...
Sad truth is I changed my edges after I saw this Pic the first time, it seems not enough. I'ill mind it more next time. Thx
Made an extra Gloss Map, much better now.
With that said tho, im kind of upset that no one had mentioned the edges any sooner, because i would love to see those edges really popping on your normal, but its almost as if there isn't even a normal applied, that's how tight your edges are..
As i believe someone had mentioned already, i'd also like to see some bolts and screws scattered through out. It's a mech, so obviously made of metal, therefore there's gotta be someway that its put together, not just plates slapped together. When your creating the design, really think about how things are "physically made" and put together.
With your current textures, the spec is obviously coming through alot better, but there is definitely more that needs to be pushed. With taking real life into consideration, im seeing alot of grunge and scrapes coming out of your diffuse, but then your spec seems to be flat.. When light hits metal, that's when main detail comes out (dirt, grime, grease from fingerprints, etc. etc.)
Generally when it comes to metal based textures, i actually like to start with my spec map because with how much light it takes, that's the number one important map.
Keep working at it! Don't give up
The thing with the edges bother me allot ,so I made some changes on the model.
First I smoothed the HP a bit more and made a new bake:
But on the textured Version it didn't help allot, so I also added some Loops around the Edges and baked again:
I think it's a bit better now, but next time I really pay more attention to this, so I don't lose time again.
Hm, honestly there is an AO pass, I check the opacity.
Well done for going back a revising the model, can be a bit dis heartening, but the results have been worth it
So true... but hmm, maybe its just hard to tell on your texture sheets. How do you generally set up your AO passes?
I feel like you`re overall forms (not edges) are recieving light as if they are soft and pillowy. I am assuming this is due to the smoothing groups on the low having too much influence, over the normal map, and you end up with those doughy forms.
Back in my day *put on old man pants* we would have to break up smoothing groups on the model, in a way that would put minimal smoothing group errors into the normal map-
- but now, apparently there`s this
I`ve never used it myself, but I guess it makes it so you can have 1 smoothing group on the low poly for the whole thing, and the normal map it creates accounts for that, removing the soft pillowy look. Might be worth a go!
For the Ao I create an extra folder, set the folder to Multiply and tweak the layer opacity, but it was really kinda low ^^.
@konstruct: Depending on the results of the new bake I'll give it a shot, thx for the tip
1. bake out an AO pass from your high to low (along with your normal) in your exploded view (if you do it that way).
2. then bring together your low poly, combined and render out a pass without the cage, just the low.
3. play around with the opacity's of both. You get a good shadow from your hp but then get overall shadows from the prop as a whole.
Just a thought, could give it a try
Added more dirt, bolts, Glow Map for the tubes, tweaked the Visor texture and some other stuff.
Think I could call this finish, but I'm open for more C&C for tweaking the texture
Again thanks for all the help so far