Howdy! I'm working on a character model based on the character
'Luther Strode' from a comic of the same name. It's a very cool comic, and I've been a fan of the artist Tradd Moore for awhile now and I wanted to try to adapt his style to 3d.
Still a WIP at this point, I'd say the high poly is at about 80%. Any feedback is appreciated!

(ignore the missing hand and foot for now)
Keep going!
Luther Strode Reference image
In his early appearances he got pretty bulky, but not near as huge as he looks now. So I'm going for his comparatively lean physique. I did try to make him a bit bigger though, and also shrunk down his head to make his proportions a bit more heroic. I may push that further still.
Sorry for not posting more updates, but I've pretty much wrapped up the high-poly, low-poly, and I've just started texturing. There is still a lot to do, and my workflow is pretty experimental right now since I haven't done a stylized texture in awhile. But it's fun!