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Tuscan House WIP

polycounter lvl 7
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zebus_0 polycounter lvl 7
So my first sort of schpeel thread is here: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=121249


Image attached is basically my first project working in 3ds on my own and not really 'learning'. Working on a really good tutorial by Huseyin Karaaslan since I'm still getting a feel for the tools and I really need to work on texturing and materials. Got the modeling finished up, will post mats in progress as we go, feedback? Yes the polycount is insane but it's just to look pretty, not to be an in-game environment or anything. I could shrink it quite a bit I'd wager but so far I've made no attempt to save polys. (That'll come in the future)

image link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/96732810@N03/8896648677/in/photostream/ for some reson the insert isn't working for me.


  • zebus_0
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    zebus_0 polycounter lvl 7
    So it's done for now. Needs refinement, I'm not sure about the texture on the roof tiles. Doesn't look very good I don't think. Also re-thinking a couple others. I obviously need to learn to light scenes and learn how to do normals because have zero clue on either of those in Max. Feedback?
  • ZASkaggs
    Looks like there's a lot of texture stretching going on, you might give some more thought to your UV layout. Also the texture on the streetlight is very confusing, not sure what it's supposed to be.
  • zebus_0
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    zebus_0 polycounter lvl 7
    Yeah the roof needs attention. I thought it would project better. The lamp was supposed to be a rust/iron texture but it didn't come out so well, I was planning on that one. Maybe the paving stones, not sure on those. Anywhere else?
  • zebus_0
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    zebus_0 polycounter lvl 7
    I used UVW map on all of this instead of the unwrap modifier. I'm basically re-tracing my steps from Lightwave because for the longest time I never did UV mapping because I didn't understand it and didn't know how to implement it. Now I'm doing the same with 3ds because right now I don't fully understand the UV system or how to utilize it best, partly because there's so many different ways to do so.
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