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Battlestar Galactica

polycounter lvl 13
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Fwap polycounter lvl 13
So i just finished watching what is now known as my favorite TV show of all time.

I know i'm a bit late to the punch but i wanted to savor it for as long as i could but i unwillingly watched the last episode last night. I though i still had a disc to go, and only half way through did i realize the adventure was coming to an end.

Suffice to say i was/still am an emotional wreck. I don't deal well on an emotional level with finishing loved shows, i was a mess for weeks after i finished TNG.

Does anyone else struggle with this? or am i retarded?

I just connect with the characters too much, become their friend, get lost in the adventure and i know now, it will never be new and exciting for me anymore. the unknown is now known.

Many man tears where to be had indeed.

Well i took this opportune to take my emotions and channel them into some art work. this is what i got, so it wasn't all in vein.

p.s So say we all.


  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    My biggest suggestion would be to avoid the finale specials, those seriously felt rushed and didn't bring a true ending that you expected out a series that had a battleship Hyper-Jump IN a planets atmosphere and launch a raid.

    I mean bloody hell, talk about Dues Ex Machina to the n'th degree and back, literally everything in the finale is luck, basically any connections I had with everyone suddenly died, due to the sheer number of plot holes and cheap writing that followed at the end which didn't make sense.

    Watch at your own peril.
  • Fwap
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    Fwap polycounter lvl 13
    i didn't read that much into the ending of it, i was blind sided by love to be honest.
    I was literally yelling at the TV "don't you dare fucking cry Adama, don't you dare" alas he did, and i followed suit.

    I really really badly wanted to leave the last episode, much how Adama never finishes his favorite book, until later on.

    But i know what you mean, i stopped watching Farscape for the exact reason, its like they where writing it as they went, and to save spoiling my fond memories of it, i stopped.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    Loved the series' first three seasons or so.. but the more esoteric/spiritual it got, the duller it became. That prequel series centering around the first cylon was painful as well.
  • Fwap
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    Fwap polycounter lvl 13
    Would that be Blood and Chrome?

    Seriously contemplating getting it, and Caprica.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Love that show! To your point, I get very invested in shows and movies I watch too. One thing I keep in mind with those stories/shows/movies is that the 'finale' may mean "its over," but it also means the story you invested so much time in, is now considered complete by the authors.

    Look at it as a sigh of relief, closure, finished piece of art, or whatever...

    this is where I hope keeping it real does not go wrong

    ...and not an emo attitude of "its ovvver what am i do dooo?"

    Going to be brutally honest, and probably come off like a dickmonster, but: yes, you watched all of the episodes... get over it, its a story, they are meant to end.

    You finished watching all of the seasons, and accidentally (WTF? why would anyone choose to not watch the last episode. I'm going to read a sweet book but stop reading a chapter before the end!). Good job. Going to point out the obvious, but you can watch them again. And again. And again. AND A-FUCKING-GAIN. You can buy the blueray box set with the fancy metal box, put it on your shelf and stare at it. You can watch them on netflix when you don't have a blueray or dvd player nearby. You can listen to the soundtracks on loop while you work out, drive, work, and play. You can buy model kits of Battlestar Galactica and put them together, then smash them in a Cylon battle and build them up again like they do in the show. Print out pictures of Starbuck and put them on your wall. Dress up like Saul at ComiCon because he's the fucking man. Hell, wear an eyepatch all the time like Saul because he's the fucking man. Write a fan-fic about Rosslin's seedy younger years as a stripper on Caprica while she was trying to make ends meet. There are a plethora of activities and purchases you can do and make to keep the passion alive! Don't let a dumbass reason like "i accidentally finished watching the show" be a reason to get sad. Get excited!! Watch that shit again! It's called being a fan, make sometime positive out of your love for the show, not remorse. To be clear, I am not, or do not intend to be mocking or poking fun at your plight.

    If you finish reading a book once, do you toss it aside and never look at it again? I fucking love Harry Potter, I get so lost in that story. I've also read all of the books about 6 times, listened to the audio books 4 times over, and have seen each of the movies about 5-6 times each. When I finished reading the last book, it was a little bittersweet - but was happy that I had experienced and more importantly, enjoyed that body of work. I was so jazzed after it finished I made some shitty drawings of Harry as an old washed up drunk, and Hermione as some Hollywood housewife who dumped Harry for a football star; and Ron who went bald and got fat. I got so involved with it, it inspired me to create stuff and then eventually read/watch/listen to it all again.

    TLDR: stop being so god damn sensitive. You love it, its in a medium that you can repeatedly consume, so technically it'll never go away. No one can take what you enjoy away from you.
  • Fwap
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    Fwap polycounter lvl 13
    moose wrote: »
    Write a fan-fic about Rosslin's seedy younger years as a stripper on Caprica while she was trying to make ends meet.

    My sides haha.

    I suppose you are right about it being a finally finished piece of art.
    Being a massive Star Wars fan boy, i'm somewhat butt hurt that its still going and getting more and more fucked up.

    I think i was so fucked up because of the pure emotion in the end, i'm such a retard as soon as it finished i went outside and stared at the stars for a good half an hour deep in thought, then went back in and as i put the disc back in its case thats when i lost it.

    I am sensitive, really wish i could channel it into my art as you said, because jeebus i was fucking overwhelmed with inspiration, about everything from panspermia to post apocalyptic sci fi shit. Instead i made a shitty thread, what a waste haha.

    I also went out and bought Caprica and The Plan, so should keep me above to sea of emotions for a bit longer haha.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Here's my summary of my reaction to the final episode:

    "What do you hear Kara?"
    "Nothing but the rain sir"

  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Fwap wrote: »
    My sides haha.

    I suppose you are right about it being a finally finished piece of art.
    Being a massive Star Wars fan boy, i'm somewhat butt hurt that its still going and getting more and more fucked up.

    I think i was so fucked up because of the pure emotion in the end, i'm such a retard as soon as it finished i went outside and stared at the stars for a good half an hour deep in thought, then went back in and as i put the disc back in its case thats when i lost it.

    I am sensitive, really wish i could channel it into my art as you said, because jeebus i was fucking overwhelmed with inspiration, about everything from panspermia to post apocalyptic sci fi shit. Instead i made a shitty thread, what a waste haha.

    I also went out and bought Caprica and The Plan, so should keep me above to sea of emotions for a bit longer haha.

    lol I wouldnt call it a shitty thread, don't beat yourself up so much :)

    I know the feeling too, i remember finishing that series with a well of emotion and joy for how awesome it was. Its ok to be sensitive, but i think calling out times like this so you can catch yourself and say "whoa there buddy, chill out!" to yourself is a strong skill to have that just takes practice :)

    ps i ALMOST talked my wife into getting tattoos like Starbuck and Lee... but then we decided that wasn't the best idea :)
  • Zocky
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    Zocky greentooth
    Well, as the finale of TNG says..."All good things must come to an end".
    Sure it's annoying when you watch show like Star trek and a like, that goes like over 7 years, and seeing it finally ending for good, but like with all things in life, it's good to remember the good time you have, not to morn over it being over.

    I do sometimes get similar reaction; but not so much with movies or series, as animes; those writers just love to play with your emotions at the ending espcially Like "Oh you liked this character? Great. Cause i'm gonna kill him in this episode. And you know that other character you like? He's dead too. Also, the guy saved the world this time around, but the whole cycle will restart in couple of years so it was all for nothing aswell. " XD

    Also, the upper words apply to Game of Thrones aswell. :P
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