Heyyyyooo. Recently I've started up a series of single-session likeness busts to improve my eye and speed. And to keep myself going, I chose a subject which interests me greatly - The Big Lebowski.
I've been working my way through the principle cast, and looking back I can see improvement already! It's amazing how effective these little studies can be. With that said, if anyone picks out a detail which is breaking any of these, I'd love to hear any comments and critique you may have. After staring at a person for hours on end, it gets difficult to pick out discrepancies. I'll continue to update the thread as I move through the cast.
The first one I did was Donny. (which may have been overly ambitious, lol) Buscemi has a tough face to capture, for me at least, and I need to come back to that one at some point.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7ivlkbZcQY"]Donny Turntable - YouTube[/ame]
Next up was Walter. This one went pretty smoothly, I think, and feel the likeness is
pretty close, but perhaps a little simplified/exagerated in areas.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pS-2BgrfJU"]WalterTurntable - YouTube[/ame]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO7L2aAcyHA"]WalterTimelapse - YouTube[/ame]
Most recently was The Dude. This one was more of a challenge that I initially thought it would be. Problem areas were certainly the eyes, and the depth of the cheeks. I'm happy-ish with how it ultimately turned out after a great deal of noodling. I have a timelapse for this one (granted, a rather round-about one given the aforementioned noodling) but it is still uploading. I will add it on once it has completed.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_uk8XG37go"]The Dude Turntable - YouTube[/ame]
Next up, The Jesus? Maude? The Stranger? Too many awesome characters!
i would say that donny could use some work for the lickeness in the lips area.
Good job!
Dude is my favorite.
Donny is close but needs some key things that make him more recognizable. I would bring out his one characteristic "eye tooth" more, especially if you are going to have his mouth open. And the lips could possibly be look a pinch larger and dryer at the same time. Also, on his top lip, the cupids bow makes more of a triangular pinched shape.
But these are amazing. Great job!
(Also, amazing work!) holy crap! The Dude most certainly abides.
i bet if you gave donny an awkward smile and showed more of his funky teeth it would be a little more succesfull like the dude and walter.
But where is The Jesus? Come'on dude, you know the rules!
KristaW: Thankyou! Those pointers will be very helpful when I come back to him.
pixelpatron: WAhhhhh! Drop everything, and don't pick a thing back up until you've finished the movie.
I feel pretty good about how this one went. I drew it out over a few shorter sessions, rather than one single crunch, and I think the breaks certainly helped me correct what I may have overlooked.
I'll be fleshing out the entire body for him at a later date, but I might move forward with a couple more quick busts before that.
The turn-around for this came out really dark for some reason. I apologize about that. I'm not really sure what happened. I'll try again once the body's completed.
Next up, either Maude (Julianne Moore) or The Stranger (Sam Elliott). or if there is a certain character in particular someone wants to see, throw it out there. I'm not abiding to any particular agenda really, lol.
Thanks for lookin!
Whoooooooooaaaaaaaa buddy was this a tough one. I was going to post this one before I left for my Yosemite trip (which was mind-blowing) last week but didn't because I thought the likeness wasn't there yet. Well, when I returned home it still wasn't there yet, oddly enough :P But I snapped out of my self-consciousness and decided to post it anyway. After all you folks can help me with this if you want. Any critiques at this stage are greatly appreciated.
I still need to do the obvious and dress her up in the viking outfit from the dream sequence, but that is easy enough to do. Right now, I need to refine the likeness.
Here's a turntable and time-lapse to this point too:
(lol at the thumbnail)
Thanks for checking it out!
How long do you take on this stuff - do you set down with a deadline, or do you work it until it feels done?
What else do you do? You've got a nice feel for form and character. I can't speak to the likeness quality, but these sculpts sure look believable to me.
Thanks, and keep it up
Thankyou! I appreciate the kind words.
Each of these is between 5-10 total hours of work. I tried to keep them with the realm of a workday. At first, I was powering through them in one session, but after the third or so, I decided to break them up into 2 or 3 smaller sessions. It was easier on my sleep schedule primarily, haha, but it also allowed me to take a break and come back to the sculpt, at which point I often picked out things to improve the likeness.
Professionally, I've settled in as a Texture painter as of late, but I started this series in an effort to improve as a character sculptor, which is something I hope be able to do professionally on a regular basis as well.