i everyone. I just started messing around with Unity following Digital Tutor's a few weeks back. My current exercise is an isometric viewed game with a directional controller to the left of the screen. It's basically just a box moving around an environment collecting coins. This was fairly simple to do in Unity, I'm wondering if CryEngine can create something similar? How easy is it to create isometric viewed game in CryEngine?
I'm asking this because, graphic wise, I really like CryEngine much more than Unity.
Furthermore, by creating the right shaders and the creation of your art assets, you should be able to create a pretty nice looking game using Unity. If you need something prettier out of the box then I think UDK might be a good option for you, which has Kismet which could make an isometric camera pretty easy to set up as well.
However, the lack of Android support (or rather, the very high price for Android publishing) is really keeping me away.
Graphic wise, would Unity be able to create something on par with Infinity Blade?
If you don't like the default shaders then have a look at the Strumpy shader editor http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/56180-Strumpy-Shader-Editor-Now-Open-Source
(edit) Although it seems people are having trouble with it for the Unity 4 version.
I'm doing just fine with it using Unity4. Just either keep DX11 disabled (not an issue) or, if you want Strumpy and DX11 you'll have to go through the variables in the shader and set them manually (there should be posts about this in the Unity forums).