Hello guys
i'm starting a Sci-fi environment . i got alot of inspiration by watching Snefer and Hiten works and start a small hallway
here is a simple blockout

and here the tiling floor , it need a lot of details . so i'm going to make a simple plan with floating objects and details and add them in texture later

crits and comment welcome


And for the floor, it seems like you have some problems in those areas ;-)
Your floor looks pretty cool so far, pretty similar to Tor's.
Watch out for your edges, some of them are a littttle too sharp and might not bake down to your lowpoly as well.
a little wip for another piece , a power supply .
more high poly stuff
i'm going start doing lowpoly
Take the floor for example, maybe make the whole center area just be a large flat panel rather than arbitrary strips.
Try to keep things looking clean, try not to over complicate things for the sake of sci fi.
thanks for your crits