I'm currently working on a project of mine and curiosity has taken hold. I was wondering from other people in the industry, do you work exclusively in 8/bits, 16/bits, or 32/bits, or change between them depending the texture/step in your workflow/asset?
Personally, if it's a low-poly, small, and out of the way asset, I just do what's fastest for the workflow and use 8/bits so I don't need to fiddle with exporting. Although, for more high-profile assets, I use 16/bits because it can be super duper helpful when I have a lot of blending going on between layers. The only problem is when I'm working on a 2K or 4K res texture and the file size gets ginormous.
So, what are your thoughts?
are you talking about per channel or per image?
if your are talking about per channel sometimes i will bump things up to 16bit of working on heightmaps, and sometimes temporarily do a few things in the 16bit range if i have too much banding, but otherwise pretty much everything is done in 8bit per channel.
and 4k mapsize wtf, i would shy away from map sizes that big for game work, i ussualy go no larger than 2k at extreams.