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[portfolio] Luke Brubaker 2013 update - Character Art

polycounter lvl 14
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Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
Hello polycounters! I've recently done an overhaul on my portfolio site, and updated it with some new work, and I'd like your thoughts,


I'm especially interested on getting opinions on what projects are bringing it down, and what type of projects I should work on next to round out my portfolio.

Let me know what you think! Any feedback is appreciated.


  • Ron.S
    Having seen your old page, I really enjoy the revamped portfolio! It's straight to the point with a clean design, your contact info and name and branding is right up front so I know who you are and what you do the instant I load the page.

    Seeing what you do right away with previews of your models up front really helps me just get straight into the body of work you have done, and doesn't waste my time going through a gallery to see what you have to offer. The only critique I could give about which project seems a little less than the others would be the Invincigirl, compared to all your other works I just feel her textures are a little lacking, and something about her hair that throws me off a little.

    But overall I think the new site is extremely refreshing, straight to the point of who you are, what you do, and your works right in my face without having to look through a gallery, good work!
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks! I appreciate your opinions Ron. Yeah, I think I will remove my Invincigirl project. I was proud of it at the time, but I know it is not representative of my current skill level.
  • DWalker
    Your female characters, especially the elf, have very masculine faces. Try softening and narrowing the jaw, and enlarging the eyes a bit. The sneer is singularly unattractive; a more neutral expression is probably safer.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for the feedback! Yes, female faces are something I've struggled on. I will try to do a lot of studies in 2d and 3d to increase my skills in that area. My next model will be another female and I hope it turns out better.

    Here is a study I did a few days ago in ~2 hours, while looking at Hazardous' tutorials.

    I've also updated my website with a new model (Luther Strode) so check it out!
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