latest progress
Hi guys...
I decided to make an old adventurer, he tries to solve the mystery of the missing plane in Mt. Jayawijaya.
here's my first progress
love it, he loks really badass:)
here's another progress
another progress, fix the drapery and add few details
Here's paintover on the model, I'm not very sure with his wooden staff, I think I gonna change it to aluminium one.
I'll add scratch and more dirt on his clothes
Great character!
here my latest progress, I gonna start retopology tomorrow
Quick reminder that you still need to fully register to the contest so that we may provide you with free access to Mixamo's Auto-Rigger and Motions Collection. (You will need to take a few minutes to Auto-Rig and animate your character before submitting your entry.)
Here's how to register: Simply send an email to and provide the following info:
Name: Your First and Last Name
Login: Your Mixamo login or associated email address
Source: Where you heard about this contest
Tools: 3D software you will use to model your character
Polycount WIP Thread: Your email must include the URL to your work-in-progress thread on Polycount so we can follow your progress
That's it!
We'll then provide you with free Auto-Rigging and animating on Mixamo and send you a confirmation. Thanks!
Finally finished normal and AO baking, here's marmoset screengrab
total tris so far 17.835
Your character has very fine detail and look so realistic.
Keep going
MonteCristo : thanks man. your Yeti Hunter looks great
here's latest update..
I'll add some detail next
Another progress....
Here's another update
I've decreased the jacket saturation and fix the lighting.
I think it's time to use the mixamo's autorig
but I need to fix some area in 3dsmax
here's the result : [ame=""]Gora animation test - YouTube[/ame]