Whipped up a simple and small RGBM Encoder app for .HDR images. Spent less than an hour on this, so it's not the fastest! But keep checking back, since I plan on releasing a cube map shuffler and encoder, for Windows and OS X.
Only accepts .HDR format, and saves with the same file name, but in .TGA format.

Get it here!
* Links removed until I fix an error! *
It requires .Net 4.5!!
Hey! I don't have a working version just yet, but I believe you can save RGBM images within Skyshop for Unity.
I'll keep you updated. Subscribe to this thread so when I do update, you'll be informed!
Thanks alot! look forward to it
I've made an RGBM, RGBD encoder myself. You can find it here http://www.seenax.com/portfolio/cpp.php