Hi all, i'm a noob who wants to make a character. That's my first attempt ever in making human body (i only made an ass lol, and some alien faces supposed to be human).
I thought probably i don't have to make a detailed anatomy model for my first try (lazy power yup) since i will cover the body with an armor, and no need to do a face, since i want to get an assassin-looking chara and i will cover the face with a mask, or a pursuance of the armor, maybe with only the eyes coming out. I don't have a concept yet, but i will make one soon as possible.
Anyway, this is the base model i made:

But that's just my opinion maybe some other people might have some different advice for you too.
Also might be me or just the camera angle but midsection looks very flat
Sure, i mean not doing ears, mouth, nostrils, etc.. i will model the base shape of the head, something like this with a nose, when i will manage to do it =|
Anyway, i adjusted the mid section, now better?
The red/black is a plastic fabric
The white is an hard metal-ish material
The exagons are a plastic fabric similar to carbon fiber