The map is done-ish™!
Download and play the map! (100 MB)
I deleted the file, it's really old by now.
You can goto:
Then click on "Tesseract nightly build" or you use SVN to stay up-to-date.
Run 'tesseract.bat' >> Load Map >> Complex.
If you want to check out the mapmodels & textures I've made, look in:

-Original Post-
Commercial Building Loading Bay/Backroom WIP
Currently working on a map for the
Sauerbraten fork
Tesseract. Which uses a more modern, realtime lighting setup.
I'll be posting screenshot updates of the map and any random props I'm working on here.
Another random prop..
Can't wait for more.
That door looks a little oddly scaled, though, to my eye. Or maybe it's the fire-alarm. The door looks quite small.
The fire alarm is a bit large. Also the door is a 4:7 ratio, while most real world doors are 3:7 or 2.5:7. The real ratios look a bit strange in game though, also I wanted the door to be wide enough that the player could easily get through it.
Might tinker with the scale of the fire alarm and the ratio of the door.
Like lchlll3D said, the mish-mash of architectural style just isn't gelling for me. I'm also not feeling the light wood floor against the green. A slight redesign might be worth considering? It will feel like more work and effort, but will make for a better piece with a more fluid style.
I think the prop bakes are nice, it would be cool to see some wireframes and texture flats. The wet floor sign made me smile
Looking forward to what else you bring to the scene, as it seems a little dead currently.
I've tried putting pictures in posts but it just gives me gibberish html code in the post.
I've edited the first post, do the pictures show for you?
I've tried both img and attach.
like how to install it and how it works?
I went to your links but it doesn't say how big (file size) it is, as i have limited bandwidth i cant really download a huge file.
Jeza87: If you are familiar with SVN and compiling you own binaries, the SVN info is on the site ( )
I might upload a stand-alone version of the map with win32-64 binaries included, we'll see...
Can't update the screenshots at the moment, will get to it later.
Download: Tesseract Engine - Complex Map (Stand-alone)
Just finished an office chair!
don't be so hard on yourself, it's not THAT rubbish!
A desk.
A copy paper box!
Rubbish I tell ya', rubbish!
Here is a very WIP preview.
It's subtle, but I assure you they are different!
I'm going to take a break from looking at for a week or two.
This was my first time ever doing high to low poly baking.
At first I was just making things up as I went. So the theme is a bit random at times. Regardless, if you have any critiques or comments please do share.
Overall it was a lot of fun and was one hell of a learning experience! On to the next map!
Download and play the map! (100 MB)
Run 'tesseract.bat' >> Load Map >> Complex.
If you want to check out the mapmodels & textures I've made, look in:
You can goto:
Then click on "Tesseract nightly build" or you use SVN to stay up-to-date.