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Sketchbook: Mango Tea

Hello, all! Thanks for looking!
Looking for feedback as I learn to improve. Please critique as much as possible! I promise I will be appreciative. :)

I am on a course learning to model. I also do illustration, and have done so freelance for a while. I'm 24.

This was my first completed model I made. Maya was used exclusively.

One of my submissions for the foundations course I am doing is this dinosaur. Primarily the course is to teach us Maya, and I have been working hard to learn that. I have taken the initiative to teach myself Zbrush too as I feel it's very useful!
Here's a headshot of the Zbrush highpoly sculpt I started to work off.


After some retopologising in 3D-Coat (my first time using the program) here he is:

And here he is with the bare beginnings of a diffuse map. I may not keep him blue, I don't know, I'm moreso playing with markings and sorting stuff out to ensure it flows well. Photoshop's CTRl+U may come in handy later. ;)

I will post some sketches and some of my 2D work later on. But for now it's 2:30am and I think I ought to sleep!
Thanks again for looking.


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