Hello all!
I just got myself a Bamboo Connect CTL 470 to work with Hand Painted Texture and I would love to get some feedback from the community.
I never painted anything before since my kidding garden so my skills aren't very good at this time. I know nothing about painting. But I'll improve. I want to work with texture as a hobby, maybe I can get a job in the future if my skills get better.
To paint the texture I create a 1024x1024 image and when it's done I scale it to 512x512.
I'll use this thread to show all my work.
Blue Brick - my first texture after watching some tutorials.

Dirt Ground - man, this was very hard for me to do it. This is not the final version, but I like it so far. Need some highlights I know but I'm working on it.

Grass 01 - my first grass texture, as you guys can see, it's not very good

Grass 02 - second try on the grass texture, as the first one, there'r no highlight areas and dark areas, I'm just trying to figure out a style to do it.

Tree Bark - I think this is my best texture so far. I liked the style I made for it and I think I'll stick to this style for my trees.

Wood Planks - it's unfinished but I think it's good so far.

Tree Cut - need some more work.

Seconds, some feedback on your work.
The first thing that jumps to eye is the "lack" of value range. Most of your texture are very flat in values.
You can see this by looking at the histograms for them in PS set to luminance.
Try to work with more values, as at the moment you're working with an average of 25% variance in your textures... that means you only use 25% of the contrast you could be using so you're missing a lot
Other than that you can also introduce some contrasting hues. Making thing of different colors might seems strange at first but when properly blended you get some really nice looking textures. Like shifting shadows to more blueish or reddish tones for example.
Finally, try not going too fast towards smaller brushes. Try to force yourself to use larger brushes and give broad strokes. It will help you define your forms better on which you'll eventually put finer details!
Also get reference, both for actual understanding of how things are done in real life, and for style.
Look at other people's work, there's some mighty example on this very forum if you give a look around.
Jessica dinh: LINK 1, LINK 2 she's just one of my favourite artist around here!
hope it helps : )