I must have hit something, because suddenly it's like I am locked in navigtaion mode or something. Proj. master and noise is working, but I can't use the brush. I tried going back to a save, but the same thing. What have I done?
It also says "New... ctrl+n" up in the left corner with lightbox and proj.master if that's of any help. It wasn't there before.
If you were using projection master prior to this, it's possible that the values did't reset to 100 before it tried to pick the tool back up.
Edit: Oh I just tried loading up one of the auto saves. There's a couple where I can't use the brush and there's some older ones where I can. So I must have hit a button.
Thanks for the suggestion though.
I can only navigate around the mesh. Any attempt to use the brush only orbits. Its very strange. The last thing I used was projection master and I think that might have some correlation. Saved everything last night and reopened it this morning and it still isn't working. Please help! Thanks.
Clear canvas - Set intensity to 100, then redraw. <- That shit is golden.
In hindsight I guess you don't even have to clear the document. You can simply pop out, change the draw settings, and jump back in to editing in a nice smooth motion.