Is there any reason Dynamesh could refuse to re-project to a new resolution? I get no errors, and the subtool has no layers. I'm simply importing an OBJ (importing it into one of Lightbox's existing dynamesh sphere documents) and applying Dynamesh to it, but if I want to change the Dynamesh resolution, Zbrush goes through with the process of re-projecting, but I end up with the same exact resolution as before.
Sometimes it reprojects correctly, most times it refuses to update the resolution and re-projects to the same one. Any ideas?
Usually I choose a weak brush and barely touch an area, then hit Dynamesh. Then it tends to work, at least for me.
Might help to now the res your re dynameshing at. and maybe share the .Obj or the zbr so we can take a look
I've never had this happen without throwing an error. I have had it happen a thousand times while throwing errors or warnings
So my only advice , as said above, would be to share the file and people (or myself) can test it out and see if its the mesh or your install. Cause it sounds to be a bug.
Edit: Wrong again. Not my day. Like Joopson said you can barely smooth mesh with a small brush , or make some unnoticeable mark, Then remesh.