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UDK Material Import Problem

polycounter lvl 7
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BasicallyNormal polycounter lvl 7
So I'm trying to import an object into UDK from Maya that has a lot of materials attached to it. I exported the model shown below as one FBX file with "embed media" and "smoothing groups" checked off, as well as having each texture saved as a .png file in each material. The only problem is that most of the textures don't import, or are not linked with the material that is created from the FBX file in UDK. The material will be there, but instead of the texture attached to the diffuse channel, its just a parameter node. If anyone can help at all, I would be immensely thankful.



  • BasicallyNormal
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    BasicallyNormal polycounter lvl 7
    Just to give some more info, there are about 15 different materials for this model. Each material consists of a diffuse channel with a picture attached to it. UDK has imported each material from the Maya scene just fine, but fails to import and attach the diffuse texture for many of them. The materials that have the diffuse texture attached have 40 instructions, while the ones with the color parameter as the diffuse channel (by default, I'm guessing) only have 39. So I'm wondering why UDK is failing to import all of these textures, even though they are all PNG files and show up in maya.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Its not really hard to assign the textures manually. Unfortunately this is normal.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    just make the materials in UDK, and open the mesh in the mesh viewer slow, which will display all hte material slots on the mesh
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    You should try to minimize how many different textures and materials a mesh has, it can cause an big impact on performance and is just bad optimization and practice.
  • radiancef0rge
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    radiancef0rge ngon master
    this is actually not normal for the fbx exporter. it means something was read wrong in the maya file. do you have something strange plugged into specular? typically I find that just using the lambert shader with the standard inputs for diffuse work.

    sometimes if you change your mesh and reimport this causes an issue as maya frequently rearranges matids for some reason.
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