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Need some help with a "special" UV map!

Hi all!

Does anybody happen to know, how the UV map on the left side might have been generated?..that's such a tight thingy and i need something like this for a research project.


Lightmap was originally rendered with some ancient(2008 )GPU assisted global illumination renderer called Parthenon..


thanks in advance,


  • Michael Knubben
    The perceived tightness comes from the Edge Dilation, which is done to prevent bits of the texture bleeding into adjacent uv islands.

    From such a tiny screenshot I can't really judge whether the uv's themselves were auto-generated or just made by hand, though. Why don't you tell us what you require, and why what you've got right now isn't good enough?
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    Looks like auto'ed UVs to me, most software has some manner of auto project and layout like this. But like Pea says, we need more info to help you with any specifics.
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