Hello everyone!
My name is Zach Winkler and I wished to post my latest project that I am working on for critique.
I am doing this project with nothing but extracts and base shapes while using this as a chance to crank out my ability to create good silhouette and forms.
Obviously I haven't created every piece for him yet, but I'd love your opinions on where I am currently at in the project so I can fix those ASAP!
Concept I'm working from
Otherwise, the thrust of the armor design is clear
I made some more armor pieces for him and made some changes to parts based on what you guys said.
As for his height, it looks alright to me but here he is without his armor just to be sure!
I would suggest to make all armor pieces and belts in polygon modeling software instead of zbrush, and then add damage, ornaments, etc., in zbrush. At least it would work for me
Good luck!
As for cloth, the concept has a cape in it that I make include, though a back cloth might look nicer overall, I'll look into it.
This next update has more polish on it, and I'm digging how it's turning out, what do you guys think?
Anyway it is very interesting how the final model will look like.
But anyway I have another update for you all, I got some wonderful critique from a friend and really touched up the face and hair, and I think it turned out pretty great.
The same friend suggested I model out the chainmail, so I'll be looking into how to do that best! But as always, tell me what you think guys.
I may add a cape later when I create some more props for him, but for now this is what I got!
Just wanted to link that as soon as I could, I'm currently in the process of retopoing this guy, so stay tuned!
Edit: Also it seems that I forgot two of the belts for the legs on the back, maybe that'll help too haha
Sadly the proportion are way off but you could alter them now or in you next piece improved upon it.
As for proportions I'm not sure if I can mess with it too severely with the stage it's at, but I did pull the arms a bit to see if looked nicer!
Also make the leather a bit smokey in colour. With different shades of the base colour.
wow your spec map had such a good result. really nice
I'm at the home stretch, want to know what you guys think about him! I'm really happy with all I've learned on this guy alone, and I can't wait to apply it to future projects!