Hello, I recently finished my Dwarven themed environment for my project at college.
Its my first full environment, most of the textures are hand painted In Mudbox, like the wood and metal, and the stone was a mix. I also made my own font for the runes.
Im looking to get some feedback so I can improve it, and get tips so I can make my future environments better.
It's ok but it could be greater - lighting. At the moment those torch/flames aren't casting any light on the objects around them, or on the floor. Make the lights influence the environment more. Create more contrasting lighting because at the moment it looks like there's one big ambient light that we can't see.
Oh none of the pictures show the ceiling. oops. Here is whats supposed to be casting the light, I think they are a bit too strong, that's why the fire looks like its not showing anything.
This is good for a first environment.
However, I'd agree with Target_Renegade, the lighting could use a LOT of work. I'd delete all the lights and start off with just one spot light and focus on accenting the area you want to give the most importance to with only that light. That's your dominant light. Once you get what you want with just that light, move on to add other lights from light sources in your scene hopefully to to aid your dominant light.
Also check your lighting set up, you currently don't have shadows.
As for some of the assets: I'd break up that tiling floor. I'd look into maybe having it so that there's a different tile pattern around the edges of the floor that meet with walls. If this is in UDK i'd also look in to mesh painting to add dirt or maybe some puddles if it makes sense in the scene.
Overall I'd say there's also a bit too much noise in the textures, I'd break that up and decide which of your assets require more or less noise. Maybe the columns could be of a smoother rock surface?
Keep it up man, again, good job on your first environment!
Thanks for the feedback. I think I will try out mesh painting. But a for the shadows, most of the meshes aren't lightmapped, since I only found out what it was like half way through doing this project. The floor is just one big BSP plane at the moment and the shadows just come out really blurry, so I think Ill change that Into smaller planes.
It was a great learning process though. I think for my next environment im going to do a forest scene, and do some more organic models.
However, I'd agree with Target_Renegade, the lighting could use a LOT of work. I'd delete all the lights and start off with just one spot light and focus on accenting the area you want to give the most importance to with only that light. That's your dominant light. Once you get what you want with just that light, move on to add other lights from light sources in your scene hopefully to to aid your dominant light.
Also check your lighting set up, you currently don't have shadows.
As for some of the assets: I'd break up that tiling floor. I'd look into maybe having it so that there's a different tile pattern around the edges of the floor that meet with walls. If this is in UDK i'd also look in to mesh painting to add dirt or maybe some puddles if it makes sense in the scene.
Overall I'd say there's also a bit too much noise in the textures, I'd break that up and decide which of your assets require more or less noise. Maybe the columns could be of a smoother rock surface?
Keep it up man, again, good job on your first environment!
It was a great learning process though. I think for my next environment im going to do a forest scene, and do some more organic models.