Having a lot of problems with an object's visibility in Max. The object in question is a piece of clothing on a character, I had it set to .6 or so visibility so that I could work on the mesh underneath, or see bones or something. For some reason now I CAN. NOT. get the visibility to change in the object properties. I'll go change it from .6 to 1.0 over and over and the change will not hold. I've made, deleted, and remade keyframes both with auto key and in the dope sheet visibility track to try and force it to go back to 1.0 but I just cannot get the object 100% visible again. Ideas?
Also did you animate the values at all? Or did you wire it to something else like a control board? Or did you use reaction manager to drive the visibility track?
Have you tried creating a new object like a cube and attaching your mesh to it?