I recently downloaded UDK on my Windows 7 desktop (which I bought for the sole purpose of using UDK) and it runs smooth and everything, but when I am trying to translate a static mesh around, it glitches and jumps around. Its hard to explain, but its not a smooth translate to where I want it, it will move in the direction I am pushing it, then it will skip even further, jumping over a bunch of grid units, and it is making it impossible to work with.
I tried searching google in hopes of it being a simple fix, but when I search anything with the word jumping, it gives undesired results.
If anyone knows anything about this or how to remedy it, please let me know, it would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Also, you could try deleting the UDK config files (the ones with UDK) in front of them and see if that clears up things...though it sounds like this is a fresh install. Does it do it on the demo UT map too?
Only other options I'd have is to try an older UDK build or to search the UDN forums to see if others have the problem..
I also use a mouse (tried several, so it's not the mouse itself) and I tried UDK 2013-07 and 2014-05, both have the same issue.
Have you found more info?
I fear the problem will lie in software or hardware issues of our pc itself.
I'm royally screwed for my exams now
I've made a quick video to illustrate the problem: