Hi guys, maxscript beginner here,
I have a small dialog Ive created with a hyperlink. The purpose of the hyperlink is for the user to quickly access a help file. Currently I have the example below working. The issue is, that the hyperlink does not open the .docx file unless I close and re-run the maxscript.
Im thinking I may be using sysInfo.currentdir incorrectly here. Or just the wrong method in general. Not sure. If anybody could shed some light on this, it would be appreciated.Thanks!
try(closerolloutfloater rof) catch()
global docPath = sysInfo.currentdir + "/help.docx"
rollout a "Help"(
group "Help" (
HyperLink Hypl_homepage "Help File" align:#center width:75 height:15 address:docPath color:(color 0 0 255) hovercolor:(color 255 255 0) visitedcolor:(color 255 0 255)
)--end group
)--end rollout a
Again, when I first open max, it looks for a totally different file. When I close the script and re-run it, then it works fine. Any ideas?
openScript = sysInfo.currentdir + "\\myTools.ms"
filein (openScript)
I am not sure about what you are trying to achieve, but I wouldn't use the sysInfo structure for any path composition in Max. Furthermore I believe the "currentDir" doesn't define a unique path.
Have a look at following topics in the MaxScript Reference:
- "GetDir" under "3ds Max System Directories"
- "getThisScriptFilename" under "MAXScript Source Filename Access"
- "File Name Parsing"
- "Symbolic Pathnames"
They should provide all you need.