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Modeling inconsistent geometry like arches problem

Im starting to learn environment modeling for games, and my first question after reading the general guide of Polycount is still my longtime question: reducing polys vs equal distribution in a variable geometry.

I was modeling this arch:

with polygon efficiency in mind, obviously this would have a lot of problems in normal mapping baking or high res sculpt (when subdividing in Zbrush).
This is because large+thin triangles are a problem? Or maybe vertices with lots of edges connected to them? Im saying this because I supose this is a good distributed mesh:
distribucio similar de geo.JPG

But then, this is a example of one asset that comes with UDK:

which doesn't have the same distribution like the last one. This have large triangles to a single point.

Then, there is also this weird example, judging what I can see on those Uvs, looks like the front face of the window is a good distribution but the back again is everything large/thin triangles connected to one point. (maybe because the camera will never see it) So, what I have to do?

1. Polygon efficiency like I was doing.
2. equal, clean distribution? (no long tris)
3. clean distribution for high res sculpt + bake and then assing those textures to a poly efficiency model?

Well, from what I readed also, looks like models with normal maps need to have 1 smoothing group in order to maintain the normal textures without shading artifacts. So I don't know if polygon efficiency is going to hold well 1 smoothing group also.

Im so lost :(
Any advice? This is my first post and im not good in english, my sincere apologies if something is hard to understand :) Thanks a lot!


  • Demian Wright
    On a similar note would it be acceptable to use floating geometry in environment models like these?
  • illo
    you dont HAVE to do anything, its all about how the piece is being viewed/used.

    you can make them a single point as long as you dont have any issues with uv stretching
    you can use floating geo if you need to, providing back faces that dont get seen are deleted

    you can add more edge loops and make it all equal sized quads, but you probobly should have a really really good reason for that.
  • Paradan
    make something, make it any ole way you want, lots tris, all planer quads, or whatever the tutorial of the month recommended.

    put a material on it and bring it into your engine of choice.

    does it look like crap?

    if so, troubleshoot.
    if not, post it.

    bottom line, until your hired and told otherwise, you can do shit however the fuck you want, as long as it looks awesome when your done.
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