So finally decided to create a piece for the Substrata project (
Tons of ideas floating about (the competition is open ended and theres always thing interesting to model!) so over the next week or two i'll try to narrow them down and solidify a theme and a design.
I am happy with a fair few of the silhouettes though so I can imagine I may work on some of them at a later date if I don't get the opportunity to within the given time frame.
Good luck to all those taking part


6,15,18,21 all stand out to me as being cool - I'm sure you'll do something awesome regardless though!
Cheers sweetcheeks :poly124:
Going through Gav's thread and reading through the things that he wants to learn/improve on whilst approaching this project, I thought more about the things I wanted to improve on too.
Whilst I want to make a sculpt as the end result, I also want to take this opportunity to improve on my 2D skills as I feel that these need to be developed dramatically. Being able to approach a design with the ability to determine local values, silhouette and personality in 2D rather than jumping straight into 3D is my aim for this project. So heres my trial run of a concept idea. I will be doing quite a few more before I even consider going into sculpting so for now just think of these as an extension of my thumbnails rather than any final ideas.
I reused a lot of elements from my old DOTA entry for this one, and (unintentially) some elements War out of Darksiders.
Will approach a few more before I approach one in 3D.