I'm trying to get something similar to this (skip to 1:11):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AzNfrHpOps"]SANDVIK - PF300 - YouTube[/ame]
I'm testing the free version of 'PullDownIt' from these guys:
..but it's proving impossible to get it to solve into a digger bucket.
Regular Maya rigid body dynamics are a lot slower and crash my system every time.
Anyone have any alternatives?
and what's DMM ?
Fake it.
You never see inside the bucket.
Have the rock wall deform based on the bucket position over x frames that its there.
Put particle emitters for rubble on the top edges of the scoop where the teeth are, then have some polygon rocks in the bucket that start their rigid body physics solve OUT of the bucket when the bottom of the bucket drops.