OK so here's my WIP thread.
I'll be uploading my first sketches in a bit. But in general my character is from the early 19th century. He's an adventurer hired by a famous professor how claimed to have cracked the Manuscripts codes, to retrive lost artifacts and treasures from all over the world...
Here my initial sketches. More info about my character:
He's from the early 19th century so the Voynich Manuscript is pretty "new" for him.
He's a passionate adventurer and outdoors man and has made a small reputation as a hired gun.
He wears plate armor to protect his body.
He's got a custom made back pack with a holster for his Rifle (not in sketch yet)
He has two or more flintlock pistols
He's got a sword and several knives as backup or melee weapons.
Some drawings like the heads are just ideas of the direction I'm going, but I think I'll be settling for the first pic.
I finished up my concept. I think I'll be going with this color template. The 3d model will have way more details than this, it's just a guide so I can see where I'm more or less going with my ideas
Nothing too interesting yet, just started on the hi rez sculpt.
By the way is anybody else having a hard time registering via the maximo email? I keep getting my message sent back to me...
If you have any issue with the Auto-Rigging or Animating, our awesome support team is here to help out so feel free to email support@mixamo.com and use the word "contest" in the subject of your email so that we get back to you before the end of the day.
Good luck!