I'm trying to make a sailcloth using two mcloths in 3ds max. one for ropes and another one for sailcloth itself.
the problem is I can not make two mCloth to collide each other and the sailcloth will pass through ropes:
I don't have max open right now so I can't check this but try copying the meshes, skinwrap it to the mcloth and use that as your collision, it might help to add a push modifier to give you some wiggle room.
Thank you guys. as I'm not expert in dynamics, I preferred to make rope using MassFX rope and then collide that with my cloth.
Results are good enough.
Thanks again
Maybe create a dummy simulation attach/constraint to your rope simulation then use to box to drive the collision with the cloth
I guess there's an easier way tho
Results are good enough.
Thanks again