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[Mixamo Contest] - Rpinto3d - Morgan the Cursed (WIP)

Hello everyone,

First time I'm entering a challenge on the site, so far very impressed with the quality of the works!

My character is named Morgan, and he's a cursed man, who seeks the Voynich Manuscript to regain his humanity. As it turns out, the manuscript has been divided, and he's travelling the world throught time until he compoletes the document. He's so obsessed that he has tatoos covering his body with the drawings of the pages that he has recovered.

Later on I'll post a more detailed back story for this character, but for now what I intend him to transpire is power and a sense of royalty..

Comments and critiques are welcome!



  • alphajayel
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    alphajayel polycounter lvl 6
    I like that he tattooed the drawings on his body!
  • Rpinto3d
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    @alphajayel - thx! I thought that the tattoos would differentiate thim while also making him look badass!
  • Rpinto3d
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    I'll now post the story behind my character:

    Morgan was once a prince, a warrior prince, 1st born and heir to the throne of the Empire.
    Possessing an inquisitive mind, since young age he traveled the world, collecting trophies and acquiring battle experience and skills until his time to be King arrived.
    Once King, he was respected by his allies and enemies alike for his ferocity and keen mind for war, but also for his just and noble soul.
    He was, however, a conflicted man, caught many times between his desire to expand the Empire and his other desire to stay with his wife and children, and his people.
    On one of his many battles, he fought the Roth, malignant spirits that infect humans making them become increasingly demented, only hearing and obeying mindlessly the calling of the Demon Roth, who desires to once again walk the Earth.
    He became infected, and as such dementia started fighting his rational mind, his being. The mages of the Empire tried all the ancient scrolls for an antidote, to no avail.
    One side effect of the infection was that his senses and physical might were exponentially enhanced, and at night, Morgan would escape his chambers into the woods, acting more and more like a rabbid animal. He would then return to his bed, and awake the next morning with no recollection of having been outside.
    The mages managed to create an antidote that slowed the process of the infection, extending his life time, and allowing Morgan to regain his conscient mind most of the time, except when he lost his temper, on these occasions he would become ferocious, a true threat to enemy and ally alike..
    The Elder mage, on one of his quests through ancient books, found a forgotten scroll, which spoke of an ancient manuscript, the Voynich Manuscript. This manuscript was said to possess interminable power and knowledge, and the person who has it in his possession would have the power to take any kingdom by force as well as cure any illness and became, if he so desires, immortal.

    Upon hearing this, Morgan became obsessed with the idea of obtaining Voynich Manuscript, curing his illness, and allowing him to regain his humanity to the eyes of his wife, his children, and his people.
    He embarked on his most important Quest, to find the Manuscript.
    During his quest, he realized that the manuscript had been separated, as it contained to much power to be held in one place.
    When we see him here (the model for the contest) he has already obtained some pages, and having tattooed on his body the astronomical and biological drawings contained on those pages, he has managed to halt the infection while maintaining his enhancements (and short temper, which unleashes his savage side).
    The Demon Roth is also looking for the Manuscript, so now Morgan battles the most important battle of his life: To regain the Manuscript and cure himself, as well as stop the forces of Evil that seek to use the power contained within.

    I'm sory if it's too long, hope that if someone has read all of it enjoyed the idea! :)
  • Rpinto3d
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    Now I'll post some of my visual references for the character.
    I looked to manga characters for their sense of style and dynamism, and to comics and western characters for the iconic and "practical" feel(He's and explorer, he can't wear the same as if he was an urban character).

    Soon will upload the first images from Maya.
    Comments and critics are welcome!

  • Rpinto3d
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    Hi everyone,

    Here are some images from the base model on Maya.
    I'll add some more elements to the character to make him seem more like an explorer, but so far I'm pretty satisfied with the progress.
    Next stop, Mudbox! :D

    Comment and critics welcome, as usual,

  • DiegoTeran
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    DiegoTeran polycounter lvl 11
    coming along nicely
  • Rpinto3d
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    Thx Turista! Still a long way to go ;)
  • Rpinto3d
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    Small update.. Sword and Gauntlet, and a clearer overall view of the model.

    The swords not be duplicated, one will be diferent.. i'm thinking like a katana. I've duplicated just to get a better feel of weight distribution and composition afterwards..

    Comment and critique people! :D

  • Rpinto3d
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    Hi everyone,

    Here are some more images from the low rez model in Maya. Now I satisfied with all the elements and will now go to Mudbox to sculpt the high rez version..

    Since this is the first time I'm doing a more complex character with polygon limits (for real time) I hope not to be screwing this up, because from what I see most people start with the scuplt and then do the low rez version.. We'll how this goes!

  • Rpinto3d
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    One more thing, I believe mixamo auto-rig doesnt support face rig, therefore I've decided to add some expression to the character.. If I'm thinking this wrong please let me know!

  • Rpinto3d
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    Hi Everyone,

    Some printscreens from mudbox to show how it's evolving.

    Comment and critique are welcome!

  • Rpinto3d
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    Some more screens from mudbox, I'm almost done with the face and arms.
    Next, finish shirt/armor and cape!

  • Anais
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    Hey there! Quick reminder that you still need to fully register to the contest so that we may provide you with free access to Mixamo's Auto-Rigger and Motions Collection. (You will need to take a few minutes to Auto-Rig and animate your character before submitting your entry.)

    Here's how to register: Simply send an email to contest@mixamo.com and provide the following info:

    Name: Your First and Last Name
    Login: Your Mixamo login or associated email address
    Source: Where you heard about this contest
    Tools: 3D software you will use to model your character
    Polycount WIP Thread: Your email must include the URL to your work-in-progress thread on Polycount so we can follow your progress

    That's it!

    We'll then provide you with free Auto-Rigging and animating on Mixamo and send you a confirmation. Thanks!
  • Rpinto3d
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    Already taken care off. Thanks for the reminder!
  • Anais
    Offline / Send Message
    Hey there! Just a quick reminder that the deadline for your submission has been extended: you have until tonight (Monday July 8, 11:59:59 pm PST) to email us your entry.

    If you have any issue with the Auto-Rigging or Animating, our awesome support team is here to help out so feel free to email support@mixamo.com and use the word "contest" in the subject of your email so that we get back to you before the end of the day.

    Good luck!
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