So this is a sculpt that I made for zbrush class last quarter and I am going to retop her and make her into a game character.
Bethany Black is a character form the comic book Strange Girl, which I highly recommend!! I had to make some judgement calls with how to remake her being that as a comic book character her form could change on the whim of an issue or a different artist. I feel like the biggest consistency that I saw with her, especially with Eric Nguyen's depictions, was the repetition of triangles.Here is the reference sheet that I based her off of.

Here is a posed version of her that I turned in for class but I wasn't satisfied with the result because her geometry got real chewed up when posing her. I made the mistake of dynameshing all the way until she was 4 million points and I spent a couple days resurrecting her anatomy from a chewed bubble gum look.

I've gone back to an earlier ztool at this point before I posed her and refined her features. I will post that ztool below
I didn't sugarcoat the comments.
Either way you're overthinking your topology here, it's better to keep your topology with straight edge loops and cut in additional edges where you need them.
This is a really high res example but you should get the idea:
If this is your high poly then you should try to keep your quads square and minimize poles which your current topology plan has tons of.
For a low poly model, unless the character needs to have a replaceable outfit I wouldn't ever suggest modeling clothing separate if it is supposed to cling to the body like a shirt. It's wasteful and just increases the likelyhood you'll have intersections while animating. Especially if the topology of the shirt is very different from the topology of the torso.
I'd suggest revisiting your sculpt and trying to refine your shapes better, especially the face (which is sloped at an angle right now) arms and pants
@AtticusMars, Thanks for the link and for the great advice with the tank top. I've never animated one of my own characters before so I probably would have learned that the hard way if you hadn't mentioned it
Hopefully I will post some progress soon if school doesn't keep me to busy.