Hello everyone! This is my first time in a character competition. The work already posted is awesome I hope to achieve the same. I'm thinking hes a mountain man like James Felix "Jim" Bridger with all his bearded awesomeness, but equipped with some modern tools, weapons and gadgets. This is just a place holder for now will post a reference sheet later this evening. Good luck everyone!
Here's how to register: Simply send an email to contest@mixamo.com and provide the following info:
Name: Your First and Last Name
Login: Your Mixamo login or associated email address
Source: Where you heard about this contest
Tools: 3D software you will use to model your character
Polycount WIP Thread: Your email must include the URL to your work-in-progress thread on Polycount so we can follow your progress
That's it!
We'll then provide you with free Auto-Rigging and animating on Mixamo and send you a confirmation. Thanks!