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polycounter lvl 5
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Nexussfire polycounter lvl 5
So I am trying to set up a series of triggers that require the trigger before it to be activated in order to progress through the activation sequence.

This is what it looks like right now:

So the problem is, is that the enable bool is not registering a change when I activate a trigger, it doesn't switch to a state where when the trigger is used by a player, it executes the attached actions.

Secondly, I don't want the triggers to show up until a certain gameplay condition (sequence) is met. They are already set to hidden in game, and disabling them does not hide their tool tip text. Could use some help with that as well.


  • Nexussfire
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    Nexussfire polycounter lvl 5
    Okay so I figured out a way to get the triggers to work in a correct sequence and how to hide them till I wanted them to be seen. Little trial and error goes a long way.

    Now my only problem is that I am receiving this error in the PIE Console :

    "Obj trigger_1 does not have handler for Seqact_Toggle1"

    I did set up a toggle to connect the triggers together to pull them out of a disabled state as each one gets used. They work. But I get that error. Haven't tried it out in the game itself yet, which is my next step.
  • Hourences
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    Hourences polycounter lvl 18
    You are not suppose to toggle trigger objects nor toggle their Enabled bools, you are to use the Event output on a Toggle action on the trigger to turn them on and off. Enabled itself is never used for in-game on/off switching.
  • Nexussfire
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    Nexussfire polycounter lvl 5
    Hourences wrote: »
    You are not suppose to toggle trigger objects nor toggle their Enabled bools, you are to use the Event output on a Toggle action on the trigger to turn them on and off. Enabled itself is never used for in-game on/off switching.

    Okay so what should that look like? I can't seem to get it to register that it's only "On" when the trigger before has been used without getting some kind of error.

    Thanks for replying too, by the way.


    This is what I have setup right now.
  • Hourences
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    Hourences polycounter lvl 18
    The Trigger object as target for the Toggle is not possible, you only need the Toggle to have Event connect to the trigger event itself, as you also have. Just that is enough.
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